machine learning (3)

The Next Wave of Cricket Analytics will be through Smart Sensors

Cricket is not solely judged by the outcomes of the game anymore; nor is the connection with its audience solely limited to what happens on the cricket field, it is more about how the viewers and fans perceive and feel for the game. An Indian…

By Sooryanarayanan Balasubramanian

The Science of Power Hitting in Cricket

Every cricketer, be it a kid playing in the narrow streets of Mumbai to an international cricketer playing in the IPL, loves hitting boundaries. The idea of “Speed” and “Power” brings a new excitement to the game, and has penetrated into all aspects of cricket…

By Sooryanarayanan Balasubramanian

Sport in the Time of Covid-19

It’s no secret that Covid 19 has massively disrupted every conceivable industry on the planet, and life no less. Sport, as expected, has also borne the brunt of this pandemic. Sport- such an integral part of our lives, be it as players or fans, will…

By Abhishek Binaykia