Abhishek Binaykia (1)

Abhishek Binaykia is a product and business leader with extensive experience working in Fortune 500 companies including Qualcomm & Broadcom, as well as with high tech start-ups. He has held various leadership roles in product management, business development and marketing, and has taken multiple cutting-edge products and technologies successfully to market. He is also a major sports enthusiast and has consulted for various IPL franchises in the area of digital transformation. Abhishek is currently the Chief Product Officer at Spektacom Technologies. He has an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management, and an MS in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University. You can connect with him at https://in.linkedin.com/in/abhishekbinaykia

Sport in the Time of Covid-19

It’s no secret that Covid 19 has massively disrupted every conceivable industry on the planet, and life no less. Sport, as expected, has also borne the brunt of this pandemic. Sport- such an integral part of our lives, be it as players or fans, will…